SEMrush is the all-in-one SEO ranking checker, which takes care of everything related to the SEO of your website, from keyword rank, site audit and analysis, website quality, backlink profile and content analysis, it has you covered! So, Join over 5Million happy SEMrush users today!
How to use SEMrush?
Step 1: Enter the domain or keyword you want to analyze.
Step 2: Register for an account, using your valid email (it takes just 5 secs).
Step 3: Congrats, you’re in (the free account gives you access to up to 10 queries, we recommend upgrading in order to fully benefit from the tool and dominate your niche).
What are Google rankings?
Simply put, this refers to the position of a website on the search engine result page (SERP). Typically, the SERP is made up of the 10 most relevant websites based on the search query or keyword entered.
How can I check my SEO ranking?
You can freely check how your keywords are ranking using SEMrush, simply by signing up for the free trial. You can as well simply input the target keyword and manually review each page to see how well you rank but this will be a time-consuming SEO ranking check approach. You can equally make use of SEMrush’ position tracking tool to check how well you are doing for a target keyword in relation to your competitors.
What is a good SEO score?
SEO score (SEO ranking score) can be graded into 4 categories, based on the position on the first search page of the SERP:
1st Position – Excellent
2nd Position – Very Good
3rd and 4th Position – Good
5th – 10th Position – Average
How can I improve my SEO ranking?
- Produce high quality content on a consistent basis. You should make use SEMrush keyword suggestion to get better results.
- Perform regular SEO audits and analysis. SEMrush will reveal all the errors and issues which you need to handle and make recommendations of how to fix the issues.
- Optimize site speed (use good hosting services). We use and recommend A2 hosting for their speed and great customer service, and above all almost inexistent down-time.
- Build quality backlinks. Again, the SEMrush backlink report will recommend all domains from which you should get backlinks from based on your competition.
- Optimize title tags and images.